In March 2020, the LBI for Lung Health decided to conduct an antibody study due to current developments in the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The aim of this study was to determine out the actual frequency of COVID-19 infections in the Viennese population.
For this research project, a representative sample was required. Due to the core project of the LBI for Lung Health, the Austrian LEAD Study, in which already more than 11,000 test persons (from 6-80 years) were subjected to a “Health Examination Survey”, such an exemplary representative sample from the general population was available. That population sample was invited to an antibody test from April to May 2020. In total, more than 12,000 Viennese were examined. In addition to the frequency of COVID-19 infections, the number of asymptomatic infected persons could be deduced. The Austrian LEAD Study database also allows conclusions to be drawn about socioeconomy, lifestyle factors and risk factors of COVID-19 positive tested Viennese.
More about the results:
- Assoc. Prof. Marie-Kathrin Breyer, MD, PhD, about the results of the LEAD COVID antibody study in an interview
(german article) - NEW! The results of our LEAD COVID antibody study have been published in Scientific Reports
As another wave of infection was imminent in autumn 2021, and a much more infectious variant of SARS-CoV-2, the delta variant, had become established in Austria, it was essential to again survey the estimated number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Vienna. In addition, at that time immunization against SARS-CoV-2 was only allowed for people aged 15 years and older. For this reason, a LEAD SARS-CoV-2 antibody study was again conducted at the LBI for Lung Health in the fall of 2021.
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